FourFortyEight Community Rules

At FourFortyEight, we appreciate insightful and in-depth discussions. We encourage you to become a part of our community. We care for every single person in our culture. We want our community to feel free to come in and engage in discussions. So please read the FourFortyEight Community Rules panned out below, and follow them. As always, thank you for being apart of the discussion!

We Don’t Do Bullies and We Don’t Do Hate 

Bullying of any kind will not be allowed.  Any negative comments regarding race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated either.

Keep it Legal 

Remember, we are not inciting people to commit a crime, so none of your comments should either. Do not participate in, promote or facilitate any criminal activity within our community. 

No Spamming

Nobody wants to see the same message being posted over and over again. Don’t be that person. 

No Self Promotion

Refrain from advertising products or services. Contact us, if you are interested in having an opportunity to properly promote a product or service on our site.

Stay on Topic

All comments and other contributions made under a particular post should be related to the topic being discussed. Don’t waste your time or talent.  There will be plenty of other post that will be related to what you want to say—and if not, hit us up with a suggestion. 

Comply with Copyright Laws 

If it isn’t your original words or if you didn’t get permission from the owner, do not post it.

Respect Privacy

Being a part of this community requires mutual trust. It is not acceptable to publicize yours or anyone else’s personal information. 

No impersonating

You are a great person. Don’t try to be someone else. It’s not cool nor is it acceptable within this community.